Workout Technics (Strength Training)

Leg squats is a workout where a person squat with freweights or using the smith press.This workout is to build good and solid thighs muscle.It also can stregthen the leg and body.Leg squat is essential to gain good body strength.This workout must be done is a very carefull way because its very dangerous.Whenever you attempt to do leg squat always use a safety weightlifting belt to protect your back from getting injured.

Deadlift is a workout a person do to strengthen their back muscle.The deadlift is a compound movement that works grip strength with the erector spinaegluteus maximusadductor magnushamstrings, and quadriceps serving as the primary muscles. The remaining muscles are involved in stability control. It is, in a sense, the purest test of strength because it is one of the few lifts of dead weight (weight lying on the ground). In most other lifts there is an eccentric (lowering the weight) phase followed by the concentric (lifting the weight) phase. The eccentric phase essentially stores some amount of energy in the stretched muscles and tendons, making the concentric phase somewhat easier. The deadlift, however, is solely a concentric movement. The lift begins at its most difficult point, with no inertia or stored energy.This workout is also very dangerous but will be safe if you follow the proper technic

Benchpress is a workout to build and strengthen the chest muscle.The bench press is an exercise of the upper body. For bodybuilding purposes, it is used to strengthen the pectorals, deltoids, and triceps. While on his or her back, the person performing the bench press lowers a weight to the level of the chest, then pushes it back up until the arm is straight. The exercise focuses on the development of the pectoralis major muscle as well as other supporting muscles including the anterior deltoids, serratus anterior, coracobrachialis, scapulae fixers, trapezii, and the triceps. The bench press is one of the three lifts in the sport of powerlifting and is used extensively inweight training, bodybuilding, and other types of fitness training to develop the chest.

The lift begins with the lifter standing with the heels touching and the barbell on the anterior deltoids. The lifter then raises the barbell overhead by pressing the palms of his hands against the underside of the barbell.The military press targets the deltoid muscles in the shoulders as well as the triceps. Additionally, it works the core and legs, which the lifter uses to help stabilize the weight.This wokout can be done standing or sitting.Always use a safety weightlifting belt to protect your back from injuries especially when doing standing one